And then it gets off to a false start when some mixed signals cause the monkey to rudely shove him instead. The guys end up forgetting the rule of silence as they coax Azuma into going through with it any way they can. What proves to be the last straw is the Monkey Palm Strike, which is basically getting slapped by a trained monkey - which puts Azuma into a legitimate Freak Out.

Needless to say, everyone is laughing at that. When he presses the Hamada bag with his own laugh in it, the scream he makes when he is slapped is one of pain and anger.

After chasing Uran around and attempting to bribe her with a bag that has Hamada's laugh recorded in it, the girl finally gives it to him.but what he doesn't know is that the guys secretly swapped buttons. In the Scientist episode, Yamazaki is forced to wear an AstroBoy costume, which is funny enough, but what makes it even funnier is when a girl comes in dressed as Uran and teases him with a bag with a button that plays the sound of Yamazaki laughing, resulting in him getting an out and a slap on the buttocks.What makes it worse is that those screams make everyone laugh even more, resulting in the next ten minutes of everyone trying their hardest not to laugh at his torture. The over-exaggerated screams he makes as he's slapped is just too damn funny. Now, what makes this hell for Yamazaki is the fact that he's been forced to wear a KekkoKamen costume, which is very skimpy, so you can imagine how painful it is to have your partially bare buttocks slapped by one of those rubber batons. For the next ten minutes, if a person laughs, everyone except Matsumoto is out. In a moment that Yamazaki describes as hell, Matsumoto activates a joint liability card he found in a drawer earlier in the episode.The exit pipe takes him to a screen that spells "Tanaka Thai Kick" in blocks, the pipe itself dumping Mario into a pit. For the Detective Batsu game, Tanaka plays a Super Mario Maker level and succeeds in getting past Bowser.However, when Yamasaki tries to explain what happened to him later, he manages to out Hamada twice. Hilarity Ensues when the punisher runs into the hotel room and can't find Hamada he ends up "punishing" Yamasaki instead.

In Yugawara, when Hamada laughs while in the community bathroom, he gets called out.

Matsumoto: If all Japanese wore wigs like these, we probably could win a war.