For products or services offered without logging in to an account, the following terms and conditions apply These products and services start on May 25, 2018. If you have not agreed to these terms, the old Yahoo Terms or Affidavit (for AOL) Terms of Service will continue to apply to your account. If you have a Yahoo or AOL account, you must accept these terms. You warrant and warrant that you: (1) is not a prohibited party listed on a public export exclusion list (see for example) (2) Do not perform or use the Services to transfer software, technology or other technical data to Prohibited Parties or Countries and (3) do not use military, nuclear, rocket, chemical or biological weapons services, or perform any other activity related to the services that violate US export and import laws. or access to the services (including content, advertising, APIs, and software). Unless you have explicit written permission, you may not reproduce, modify, rent, sell, distribute, transmit, broadcast, forward publicly or create derivative products for use or commercial purposes or any portion thereof.

If Eide offers support, this is in your sole discretion and does not mean that we continue to be a pro of your support in the future. After the expiration of the subscription period for these fee-based services without notice, we automatically renew the subscription and charge credit cards or other payment methods that you have given us unless you cancel your subscription for at least 48 hours before the end of the current period. Regardless of the country in Section 14, we may add features or features or remove, create new restrictions on the Services, or temporarily, or suspend a service permanently or permanently. They allow us to receive up to date information from the Internet and to use the publisher of your payment method in accordance with the policies and procedures for the respective cardmarks. We also share information we have about you, including for the purposes described in these privacy policies, including delivery of the services you request (including connection to third party apps and widgets).